> All recipes > Celebrations > Scallop carpaccio, apple and cardamom vinegar

Scallop carpaccio, apple and cardamom vinegar

A fresh and festive recipe. The sweetness of apple & cardamom vinegar adds a slight spicy touch to this dish.


At Oliviers&Co
4 tbsp. Christmas olive oil
4 tbsp. sweetness of apple & cardamom vinegar
Fleur de sel from the Ebro Delta

At the market
12 scallops, extra fresh
Juice of an orange
Juice of a lemon
1 tbsp. pistachio crumbs
Pomegranate seeds


Cut the scallops into thin slices and divide them between 4 plates.

Mix the olive oil with the orange and lemon juice. Salt with fleur de sel and pepper.

Water the scallops with this mixture and distribute the apple & cardamom vinegar. Add the pomegranate seeds and place in the fridge to marinate for 15 minutes before serving.

Sprinkle with pistachio crumbs at the last moment.

Oliviers & Co
Genève & Lausanne

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